Limestone Quarry Project

Location: North Clark County, NV
Sector/Industry: Mining
Size/Length: 2,552 acres
Services Provided:

  • Biological Resource Analysis

  • Agency Consultation

  • Habitat Assessment

  • Desert Tortoise Quantification Survey

  • Burrowing Owl Survey

  • BLM’s Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) Protocol

  • Avian Point Counts

  • Nesting Bird Surveys

  • Desert Tortoise Clearance Surveys

  • Construction Monitoring

About The Project

From agency consultation to overseeing construction activities, Eco Vita assisted our client in the construction and operation of a proposed limestone quarry in northern Clark County. 

Eco Vita provided the pre-project surveys for the biological resources onsite including botanical, avian, and desert tortoise surveys. The challenging terrain of the project required field personnel to be physically and mentally fit to work in this rough terrain. It is estimated that biologists ascended 24,000 vertical feet during desert tortoise surveys alone.

Eco Vita biologists monitored construction activities and environmental compliance during all construction and drilling operations. All construction personnel were given desert tortoise awareness training by the Authorized Desert Tortoises biologist onsite. Daily monitoring reports allowed our client to get up to date information on the biological resources encountered, mitigation measures being implemented, and environmental compliance issues found on site.


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