Perlite Mine Project

Location: Inyo County, CA
Sector/Industry: Mining
Size/Length: 651 acres
Services Provided:

  • Biological Resource Analysis

  • Agency Consultation

  • Habitat Assessment

  • Burrowing Owl Survey

About The Project

Eco Vita conducted a thorough biological resource evaluation to determine the necessary surveys required for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act and the California Environmental Quality Act. This evaluation involved an in-depth analysis of habitats for several key biological resources, including bats, Mojave desert tortoise, raptor nests, springsnail, Western Burrowing Owl, and Willow Flycatcher.

The assessment process included detailed field surveys and habitat assessments to identify the presence and condition of these species’ habitats. By understanding the specific needs and current status of these biological resources, Eco Vita can ensure that any future development or project activities will minimize impacts on these sensitive species.

Eco Vita will collaborate closely with relevant state and federal agencies to define the scope of future biological resource surveys. This collaboration is crucial for aligning the survey methodologies with regulatory requirements and conservation goals. The data collected from these surveys will inform impact assessments and guide the development of mitigation strategies to protect these species and their habitats.


Logistics Park Expansion Project